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Documents & Resources

Beacon Charter Schools

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    Congress enacted IDEA based on its finding that “disability is a natural part of the human experience and in no way diminishes the right of individuals to participate in or contribute to society. Improving educational results for children with disabilities is an essential element of our national policy of ensuring equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities.” Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004
  • Federal Regulations for Implementing IDEA
    The U.S. Department of Education issues federal regulations for implementing IDEA and to govern the Assistance to States for Education of Children with Disabilities Program and the Preschool Grants for Children with Disabilities Program. These rules are published in Part 300 of the 34th Code of Federal Regulations (34 CFR). Assistance to States for the Education of Children with Disabilities
  • Rhode Island Regulations Governing the Education of Children with Disabilities
    Rhode Island establishes state regulations for implementing IDEA. These rules are designed to ensure a free, appropriate public education for children with disabilities, protect the rights of children with disabilities and their parents, assist agencies to provide for the education of children with disabilities, and to assess and ensure the effectiveness of these efforts. The RIDE Office of Student, Community and Academic Supports oversees these state regulations. Rhode Island Board of Education Regulations Governing the Education of Children with Disabilities See additional standards for meeting Rhode Island Regulations Rhode Island Guidelines for Implementing Child Outreach Screening State Criteria for Determining Specific Learning Disabilities Extended School Year Standards
  • English Learner Programs
    According to the federal government, an LEP/EL is an individual: (A) who is 3 to 21 years of age; and (B) who is enrolled or preparing to enroll in an elementary or secondary school; and (C)(i) who was not born in the United States or whose native language is a language other than English; (ii)(I) who is a Native American or Alaska Native, or a native resident of the outlying areas; and (II) who comes from an environment where a language other than English has had a significant impact on the individual’s level of English language proficiency; or (iii) who is migratory, whose native language is a language other than English, and who comes from an environment where a language other than English is dominant; and (D) whose difficulties in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language may be sufficient to deny the individual - (i) the ability to meet the State’s proficient level of achievement on State assessments described in Section 111 (b)(3); (ii) the ability to successfully achieve in classrooms where the language of instruction is English; or (iii) the opportunity to participate fully in society The links below will lead you to additional information about English Language Learners: EL Programs Resources for Families and Educators Translation and Interpretation Services
  • Rhode Island Procedural Safeguards Notice
    Know your rights! This notice is the state’s model form for explaining parents’ rights under special education law and regulations. Federal and state regulations require schools to provide you with such a notice containing a full explanation of your rights in special education. Rhode Island Special Education Procedural Safeguards Notice
  • Family & Student Handbooks
    Founders Academy Student & Family Handbook 2024-2025 Beacon Charter H.S. Student & Family Handbook 2024-2025
  • Student Life
    Beacon Charter H.S. Portfolio Handbook 2024-2025 Virtual Learning Plan 2023-2024
  • Strategic Plan
    Strategic Plan 2020-2025
  • Family Resources
    Beacon Charter Schools Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Beacon Student and Family Handbook 2024-2025 Founders Student and Family Handbook 2024-2025
  • Faculty and Staff
    Employee Manual 2024-2025 Mentorship Handbook 2024-2025 Faculty Practices Guide 2024-2025
  • Policies
    Beacon Wellness Policy Meal Charge Policy Beacon Charter Schools Policy Manual Trans and NonConforming Student Support Policy
  • FY 2024-2025 Budget
    Approved Budget
  • Cybersecurity Resources
    Cybersecurity Awareness Guidelines for Safe Holiday Shopping


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Tel: (401) 671-6261

Fax: (401) 671-6264

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